Java Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced Candidates

Posted By SLA Consultants India - Digital Marketing Training Institute slaconsultantsindia on 2018-05-20 5:33 AM

Java Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced Candidates


  1. Java programming interview questions
  2. Explain JVM, JRE and JDK?
  3. Explain public static void main(String args[]).
  4. What is the most Important feature of java?
  5. What do you mean by Platform Independence?
  6. What is JVM(Java Virtual Machine)?
  7. What is JIT Compiler?
  8. Are JVM's Platform Independent?
  9. What if main method declare as private?
  10. What is platform?
  11. What all memory areas are allocated by JVM?
  12. What is the base class of all classes?
  13. What is javac ?
  14. Can we mark constructors final?
  15. What are two different ways to call garbage collector?
  16. Can we override a static method?
  17. Use of finalize() method in java?
  18. Is it possible to overload main() method of a class?
  19. Does Java support operator overloading?
  20. Can I declare a data type inside loop in java?
  21. List two java ID Es?
  22. Can we inherit the constructors?
  23. Can this keyword be assigned null value?
  24. Why Map interface doesn’t extend Collection interface?
  25. What is difference between HashMap and Hashtable?
  26. Differences between comparable and comparator?
  27. How can we sort a list of Objects?
  28. What is difference between fail-fast and fail-safe?
  29. What is difference between Iterator ,ListIterator and Enumeration?
  30. What is difference between Set and List in Java?
  31. Differences between arraylist and vector?
  32. What are the classes implementing List interface?
  33. Print prime numbers?
  34. What happens if we place return statement in try catch blocks
  35. Write a java program to convert binary to decimal
  36. Java Program to convert Decimal to Binary
  37. Is it possible to print message without using System.out.println()
  38. Java program to restrict a class from creating not more than three objects
  39. Java basic interview programs on this keyword
  40. Java Program to Sort elements of Java ArrayList Example
  41. Interfaces allows constructors?
  42. Can we create static constructor in java
  43. simple java interview questions on Super keyword
  44. Java interview questions on final keyword
  45. Can we create private constructor in java
  46. Java Program Find Second highest number in an integer array
  47. Java interview programming questions on interfaces
  48. Top 15 abstract class interview questions
  49. Java interview Questions on main() method
  50. List Of All Interview Programs:
  51. How to reverse Singly Linked List?
  52. Find out duplicate number between 1 to N numbers.
  53. Find out middle index where sum of both ends are equal.
  54. Write a singleton class.
  55. Write a program to create deadlock between two threads.
  56. Write a program to reverse a string using recursive algorithm.
  57. Write a program to reverse a number.
  58. Write a program to convert decimal number to binary format.
  59. Write a program to find perfect number or not.
  60. Write a program to implement ArrayList.
  61. Write a program to find maximum repeated words from a file.
  62. Wrie a program to find out duplicate characters in a string.
  63. Write a program to find top two maximum numbers in a array.
  64. Write a program to sort a map by value.
  65. Write a program to find common elements between two arrays.
  66. How to swap two numbers without using temporary variable?
  67. Write a program to print fibonacci series.
  68. Write a program to find sum of each digit in the given number using recursion.
  69. Write a program to check the given number is a prime number or not?
  70. Write a program to find the given number is Armstrong number or not?
  71. Write a program to convert binary to decimal number.
  72. Which data structure HashSet implements
  73. Write a program to check the given number is binary number or not?
  74. Write a program for Bubble Sort in java.
  75. Write a program for Insertion Sort in java.
  76. Write a program to implement hashcode and equals.
  77. How to make a collection thread safe?
  78. How to get distinct elements from an array by avoiding duplicate elements?
  79. Write a program to get distinct word list from the given file.
  80. Why doesn't Collection extend Cloneable and Serializable?
  81. Write a program to get a line with max word count from the given file.
  82. Can a null element added to a TreeSet or HashSet?
  83. Explain Collection’s interface hierarchy?
  84. Write a program to convert string to number without using Integer.parseInt() method.
  85. Write a program to find two lines with max characters in descending order.
  86. Write a program to find the sum of the first 1000 prime numbers.
  87. What is the Properties class?
  88. What is the importance of hashCode() and equals() methods? How they are used in Java?
  89. Find longest substring without repeating characters.
  90. What is difference between array & arraylist?
  91. Write a program to remove duplicates from sorted array.
  92. How to sort a Stack using a temporary Stack?
  93. Which design pattern Iterator follows?
  94. Write a program to print all permutations of a given string.
  95. Implement Binary Search Tree (BST)
  96. Find min and max value from Binary Search Tree (BST)
  97. Find height of a Binary Search Tree (BST)
  98. Implement Binary Search Tree (BST) Level order traversal (breadth first).
  99. Implement Binary Search Tree (BST) pre-order traversal (depth first).
  100. Implement Binary Search Tree (BST) in-order traversal (depth first).
  101. Implement Binary Search Tree (BST) post-order traversal (depth first).
  102. How to check the given Binary Tree is Binary Search Tree (BST) or not?
  103. How to delete a node from Binary Search Tree (BST)?
  104. Which all classes implement Set interface ?

Tags: java interviews questions, java question for fresher, java questions

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